A have idled my life away, oh what a pity!
Never thought of the morrow, oh what a pity!

I have set the building in air so foolishly,
My faith on weak foundation, oh what a pity!

I have gone too far saying His Mercy is endless,
Forgetten His Name “Qahhar,” oh what a pity!

I have dived into sins and never done any good,
Why gone astray the right path, oh what a pity!

I have struggle to win the world and worldly virtue,
And missed the endless blessing, oh what a pity!

The road is rough and dark, the Devil leads the way,
Sin are heavy, I weep all day, oh what a pity!

Without a singgle virtue to appear in my deed book,
How will this Khalid be saved, oh what a pity!

Nice sentence. By Ikhlas Gazetecilik A S Istambul.

A writer of Hajji Experience Book in Indonesian version.
You can clik here to know more detail, please
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Thank you

2 Tanggapan so far »

  1. 1

    ashartanjung said,

    Salam buat perantau yang mendapat pertunjuk dari Yang Kuasa.


  2. 2

    mariamorta said,

    I have ‘dived’ and I have struggle seems to be a bit wrong in the English.
    I need your help ASAP and need you to pity me, however.
    Am slaved in democracy, first world, Australia, since end of 2001, not to be believed.
    Please rush to help me.
    Visit my blogs and hubs at mariamorta.wordpress.com and hubpages.com/profile/MARIAMORTA to see what it is and help me to the best you possibly can.
    Please see page stating ‘how to help’ first, not to get lost in all.

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